Defibrillatoren am Bau lassen sich fördern.

Gerade in körperlich anspruchsvollen Berufen und dem Einfluß klimatischer Extreme, entsteht eine besondere Belastung für das Herz-Kreislauf-System. Im schlimmsten Fall können Belastungen im Zusammenspiel mit anderen Faktoren zu einem Herzkammerflimmern und somit einem Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand führen.

Dieser stellt eine lebensbedrohliche Situation. Zusätzlich zur lebensrettenden  HLW (Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung) sollte das Herz-kammerflimmern beendet werden.

Dazu setzt man einen AED Defibrillator ein. Diese mobilen Geräte sind von Laien bedienbar und leiten den Ersthelfer durch sprachliche und visuelle Anleitungen an. 

Ein gezielter elektrischer Schock beendet das Kammerflimmern. Das Herz wird durch den elektrischen Schock und die HLW von extern stimuliert mit dem Ziel, wieder in einem geregelten Rythmus zu schlagen.

Diese Lebensretter lassen sich am Bau fördern. Hier erfahren Sie alles was notwendig ist, um sich ihre Gerät fördern zu lassen.


Alle Unternehmen die der Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft zugehörig sind und die folgende Förder-Richtlinien erfüllen:

  • Großbaustellen ab 100 Beschäftige ODER
  • Baustellen mit besonderen elektrischen Gefährdungen ODER
  • Baustellen mit besonderen Rettungssituation (zum Beispiel Tunnel)

Website der BG BAU


Pro Fördermaßnahme werden 50% der Anschaffungskosten eines Defibrillators gefördert, maximal jedoch nur 700 €.

Details zur Förderung auf BG BAU Website


Die genauen Details zur Förderung von AED Defibrillatoren am Bau hat die BG Bau in einem ausführlichen Dokument genau beschrieben.

PDF der BG BAU zur Arbeitsschutzprämie AED Defibrillator


Das ist abhängig von der Anzahl der Beschäftigten auf Ihrer Baustelle und von Wegekomplexität der Baustelle. Oberstes Ziel im Notfallkonzept der Baustelle muss sein, dass die Wege bis zum nächsten AED Defibrillator so gering wie möglich sein sollten. Denn jede Sekunde zählt.

Gerade in sich verändernden Umgebungen, bietet es sich an, dass die AED Defibrillatoren "mitwandern" und somit immer zentral erreichbar sind. 

Passende Transporttaschen oder Rucksäcke sorgen für einen ausreichenden Stoß- und Erschütterungsschutz. 

Gerne können Sie uns auch anrufen. Wir beraten Sie umfassend kostenlos wie eine passende Ausstattung aussehen sollte.® Info Hotline 07243 94 90 565


AED Defibrillatoren als Vollautomat Variante lösen den Schock nach erfolgter Herzrythmus-Messung vollautomatisch aus. Ein weiteres Zutun ist für den Nutzer nicht mehr notwendig. Nach erfolgter Schockabgabe kann mit den lebenserhaltenden Maßnahmen begonnen werden. 

AED Defibrillatoren als Halbautomat lösen den Schock nicht vollautomatisch aus sondern fordern den Benutzer auf, nach erfolgter Herzrythmus Messung, den Schock durch Betätigen einer Schocktaste selbst auszulösen.

Sollte der Defibrillator AED vorrangig durch Laien und auch ungeschulte Personen genutzt werden, so empfehlen wir die vollautomatische Defibrillator-Variante.® Defibrillator AED Basic 
With our AED Basic Defibrillator you make a good decision if you are looking for the perfect balance between price and performance. Technically state-of-the-art and standard with a 2-year warranty, we offer you individual possibilities to configure your defibrillator in a way that it meets the requirements of the application environment.Our® Basic AED is an optimized, fully or semi-automatic defibrillator (fully automatic shock activation by the defibrillator), designed for private and commercial use, which helps the rescuer, regardless of whether he or she has previous medical knowledge, to save a person's life until the emergency doctor arrives. More than 80% of all sudden heart deaths occur at home, during leisure time or at work. Unfortunately, it can happen to anyone - more than 5% of the population belongs to the risk group "sudden cardiac death" (in Europe alone, more than 800,000 people die from this every year).If the intuitively operated® Basic AED Defibrillator is used within 5 minutes after the occurrence of cardiac arrest, there is a high chance of survival for the person affected.Features: "Open lid, save lives." - simplest operating concept; starts automatically without pressing a button when the lid is openedsupports the first aider with visual and verbal instructions even during the execution of the cardiac pressure massage CPR by clock and voice instructions without CPR/HLW quality feedback function; if this improved function is important to you, we recommend our® AED Plus Defibrillator with quick analysis system individual shock strength calculation for maximum rapid shock delivery, if recommended and approved by the defibrillator including "repeat key" to repeat the last voice command optional 3 languages available with integrated AED - emergency set incl. clothing scissors, razor, gloves, respiratory tissue with 6 - year long term lithium battery and an already connected, monitored pair of electrodes optional toddler electrodes with LED - monitoring logic - automatic reminder for battery/electrode change incl. function test and STK (safety check) maintenance monitoring led save lives - the® Layman Defibrillator AED safely guides the first aider step by step through the resuscitation process,  very light - only 1.9 KG total weight small dimensions  This device comes with a 2-year warranty as standard. We trust in our technology. Therefore you can optionally extend the warranty to 10 years. Scope biphasic technology IP55 (dust, splash and splash-proof) Data storage  Automatic self-test daily & weekly with LED and audio alarm Analysis time under 10 seconds Motion and artifact detection  Pacemaker detection Energy Protocol according to the Guideline Data evaluation via SD card Future & updateable via SD card STK release possibleFully or semi-automatic. The choice is yours.AED defibrillators as a fully automatic version trigger the shock automatically after the heart rate has been measured. Further intervention is no longer necessary for the user. Once the shock has been delivered, life-supporting measures can be started. Semi-automatic AED defibrillators do not trigger the shock fully automatically, but ask the user to trigger the shock by pressing a shock button after the heart rate has been measured.If the AED defibrillator is primarily used by laymen and untrained persons, we recommend the fully automatic defibrillator version.Standards: ERC/ AHA compliant -> the current guidelines are fulfilled Safety standards: IEC60601-1, IEC60601-1-2, IEC60601-2-4; IEC 60529 Protection class EN60529: IP 55 (suitable for indoor and outdoor use) Languages: monolingual or trilingual, various international languages available Classification according to Directive 93/42/EEC: IIb Notified body CE0459Scope of® Basic AED DefibrillatorDefibrillator with integrated carrying handle Long term - battery 6 years runtime Electrodes for adults and children >8 yrs. >25kg, 30 months duration Emergency set integrated in the device for optimum visibility Emergency instructions Operating instructions Service Promise[Optional] Medical equipment must always work. Take advantage of our offline service package with predictable annual billing.Automatic sending of the electrodes after approx. 2.5 - 3 yearsSTK after 2nd year including all measurements and documentationFree return shipment to the operator and reminder of maintenance workAlways payable 3 years in advance, minimum term 3 yearsIf the contract is renewed after 3 years for a further 3 years including STK maintenance after 4th year and battery change after 6th year- Important legal notice -AED's, Automated External Defibrillators are subject to referral within Germany according to MPBetreibV §10! The user (not the supplier) must ensure that the defibrillator is instructed in the use of the defibrillator before it is put into operation in accordance with MPBetreibV (Medizin-Produkte-Betreiberverordnung). A previous instruction on an identical model of the manufacturer is sufficient and accordingly no further instruction is necessary.We offer on-site instruction by our qualified instructors, who use a training device and a CPR training dummy to provide you with comprehensive and high-quality instruction on the device at your premises, including preparation of the necessary documentation.

From €1,189.00*


Unser Sortiment umfasst die passenden, förderfähigen Geräte für Ihre jeweilige Baustellensituation. Standard Geräte als voll- oder halbautomatische Varianten. Geräte mit zusätzlicher Hilfe bei der Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung. Oder Geräte die sich von der Ferne überwachen lassen um die Einsatzbereitschaft komfortabel im Blick zu behalten und dadurch Kosten zu reduzieren.® Defibrillator AED Basic 
With our AED Basic Defibrillator you make a good decision if you are looking for the perfect balance between price and performance. Technically state-of-the-art and standard with a 2-year warranty, we offer you individual possibilities to configure your defibrillator in a way that it meets the requirements of the application environment.Our® Basic AED is an optimized, fully or semi-automatic defibrillator (fully automatic shock activation by the defibrillator), designed for private and commercial use, which helps the rescuer, regardless of whether he or she has previous medical knowledge, to save a person's life until the emergency doctor arrives. More than 80% of all sudden heart deaths occur at home, during leisure time or at work. Unfortunately, it can happen to anyone - more than 5% of the population belongs to the risk group "sudden cardiac death" (in Europe alone, more than 800,000 people die from this every year).If the intuitively operated® Basic AED Defibrillator is used within 5 minutes after the occurrence of cardiac arrest, there is a high chance of survival for the person affected.Features: "Open lid, save lives." - simplest operating concept; starts automatically without pressing a button when the lid is openedsupports the first aider with visual and verbal instructions even during the execution of the cardiac pressure massage CPR by clock and voice instructions without CPR/HLW quality feedback function; if this improved function is important to you, we recommend our® AED Plus Defibrillator with quick analysis system individual shock strength calculation for maximum rapid shock delivery, if recommended and approved by the defibrillator including "repeat key" to repeat the last voice command optional 3 languages available with integrated AED - emergency set incl. clothing scissors, razor, gloves, respiratory tissue with 6 - year long term lithium battery and an already connected, monitored pair of electrodes optional toddler electrodes with LED - monitoring logic - automatic reminder for battery/electrode change incl. function test and STK (safety check) maintenance monitoring led save lives - the® Layman Defibrillator AED safely guides the first aider step by step through the resuscitation process,  very light - only 1.9 KG total weight small dimensions  This device comes with a 2-year warranty as standard. We trust in our technology. Therefore you can optionally extend the warranty to 10 years. Scope biphasic technology IP55 (dust, splash and splash-proof) Data storage  Automatic self-test daily & weekly with LED and audio alarm Analysis time under 10 seconds Motion and artifact detection  Pacemaker detection Energy Protocol according to the Guideline Data evaluation via SD card Future & updateable via SD card STK release possibleFully or semi-automatic. The choice is yours.AED defibrillators as a fully automatic version trigger the shock automatically after the heart rate has been measured. Further intervention is no longer necessary for the user. Once the shock has been delivered, life-supporting measures can be started. Semi-automatic AED defibrillators do not trigger the shock fully automatically, but ask the user to trigger the shock by pressing a shock button after the heart rate has been measured.If the AED defibrillator is primarily used by laymen and untrained persons, we recommend the fully automatic defibrillator version.Standards: ERC/ AHA compliant -> the current guidelines are fulfilled Safety standards: IEC60601-1, IEC60601-1-2, IEC60601-2-4; IEC 60529 Protection class EN60529: IP 55 (suitable for indoor and outdoor use) Languages: monolingual or trilingual, various international languages available Classification according to Directive 93/42/EEC: IIb Notified body CE0459Scope of® Basic AED DefibrillatorDefibrillator with integrated carrying handle Long term - battery 6 years runtime Electrodes for adults and children >8 yrs. >25kg, 30 months duration Emergency set integrated in the device for optimum visibility Emergency instructions Operating instructions Service Promise[Optional] Medical equipment must always work. Take advantage of our offline service package with predictable annual billing.Automatic sending of the electrodes after approx. 2.5 - 3 yearsSTK after 2nd year including all measurements and documentationFree return shipment to the operator and reminder of maintenance workAlways payable 3 years in advance, minimum term 3 yearsIf the contract is renewed after 3 years for a further 3 years including STK maintenance after 4th year and battery change after 6th year- Important legal notice -AED's, Automated External Defibrillators are subject to referral within Germany according to MPBetreibV §10! The user (not the supplier) must ensure that the defibrillator is instructed in the use of the defibrillator before it is put into operation in accordance with MPBetreibV (Medizin-Produkte-Betreiberverordnung). A previous instruction on an identical model of the manufacturer is sufficient and accordingly no further instruction is necessary.We offer on-site instruction by our qualified instructors, who use a training device and a CPR training dummy to provide you with comprehensive and high-quality instruction on the device at your premises, including preparation of the necessary documentation.

From €1,189.00*® Defibrillator AED Plus with CPR Feedback FreeCPR®
With our AED Plus defibrillator, you're making a good decision if you think the majority of potential users have little or no experience with life support.Its FreeCPR® Coach function provides real-time feedback on the quality of CPR. It encourages the user to take the initiative and also provides feedback to the user. If he or she heeds this feedback, the quality of CPR will improve and the survival of the rescued person will be enhanced.Technically state-of-the-art and with a 2-year warranty as standard, we offer you individual options for configuring your defibrillator to suit the operating environment.Our® Plus AED is an optimized, fully or semi-automatic defibrillator (fully automatic shock activation by the defibrillator), which is designed for private and commercial use and helps the rescuer, regardless of whether or not he or she has any previous medical knowledge, to save a person's life until the emergency doctor arrives. More than 80% of all sudden heart deaths occur at home, during leisure time or at work. Unfortunately, it can happen to anyone - more than 5% of the population belongs to the risk group "sudden cardiac death" (in Europe alone, more than 800,000 people die from this every year).If the intuitively operated® Basic AED Defibrillator is used within 5 minutes after the occurrence of cardiac arrest, there is a high chance of survival for the person affected.Features: "Open lid, save lives." - simplest operating concept; starts automatically without pressing a button when the lid is opened supports the first aider with visual and verbal instructions even during the execution of the cardiac pressure massage FreeCPR® Coach function - the defibrillator gives you feedback on how well you are performing CPR. CPR via clock and voice instructions without CPR/HLW quality feedback function; if this improved function is important to you, we recommend our® AED Plus Defibrillator with quick analysis system individual shock strength calculation for maximum rapid shock delivery, if recommended and approved by the defibrillator including "repeat key" to repeat the last voice command optional 3 languages available with integrated AED - emergency set incl. clothing scissors, razor, gloves, respiratory tissue with 6 - year long term lithium battery and an already connected, monitored pair of electrodes optional toddler electrodes with LED - monitoring logic - automatic reminder for battery/electrode change incl. function test and STK (safety check) maintenance monitoring led save lives - the® Layman Defibrillator AED safely guides the first responder step by step through the resuscitation process,  very light - only 1.9 KG total weight small dimensions  This device comes with a 2-year warranty as standard. We trust in our technology. Therefore you can optionally extend the warranty to 10 years. Scope biphasic technology IP55 (dust, splash and splash-proof) Data storage  Automatic self-test daily & weekly with LED and audio alarm Analysis time under 10 seconds Motion and artifact detection  Pacemaker detection Energy Protocol according to the Guideline Data evaluation via SD card Future & updateable via SD card STK release possibleFully or semi-automatic. The choice is yours.AED defibrillators as fully automatic version trigger the shock fully automatically after the heart rhythm has been measured. Further intervention is no longer necessary for the user. Once the shock has been delivered, life-supporting measures can be started. Semi-automatic AED defibrillators do not trigger the shock fully automatically, but ask the user to trigger the shock by pressing a shock button after the heart rhythm has been measured.If the AED defibrillator is primarily used by laymen and untrained persons, we recommend the fully automatic defibrillator version.Standards: ERC/ AHA compliant -> the current guidelines are fulfilled Safety standards: IEC60601-1, IEC60601-1-2, IEC60601-2-4; IEC 60529 Protection class EN60529: IP 55 (suitable for indoor and outdoor use) Languages: monolingual or trilingual, various international languages available Classification according to Directive 93/42/EEC: IIb Notified body CE0459Scope of delivery:® Basic AED Defibrillator Defibrillator with integrated carrying handle Long term - battery 6 years runtime Electrodes for adults and children >8 yrs. >25kg, 30 months duration Emergency set integrated in the device for optimum visibility Emergency instructions Operating instructions Service Promise[Optional] Medical equipment must always work. Take advantage of our offline service package with predictable annual billing.   Automatic sending of the electrodes after approx. 2.5 yearsSTK after 2nd year including all measurements and documentationFree return shipment to the operator and reminder of maintenance workPayable annually in advanceMinimum term 3 yearsIf the contract is renewed after 3 years for a further 3 years including STK maintenance after 4th year and battery change after 6th yearEvery defibrillator needs a suitable storage. We offer you the right wall boxes for different environments.- Important legal notice -AED's, Automated External Defibrillators are subject to referral within Germany according to MPBetreibV §10! The user (not the supplier) must ensure that the defibrillator is instructed in the use of the defibrillator before it is put into operation in accordance with MPBetreibV (Medizin-Produkte-Betreiberverordnung). A previous instruction on an identical model of the manufacturer is sufficient and accordingly no further instruction is necessary.We offer on-site instruction by our qualified instructors, who use a training device and a CPR training dummy to provide you with comprehensive and high-quality instruction on the device at your premises, including preparation of the necessary documentation.

From €1,398.00*® Defibrillator AED Net with online maintenance portal
Defibrillator operators know the challenge. If you have several devices to operate, you have to take care of their maintenance on a regular basis. Especially communities and municipalities with a nationwide defibrillator strategy are faced with a maintenance task that should not be underestimated.Our® Net AED defibrillator is designed to help you do just that. As an optimized, fully or semi-automatic defibrillator (fully automatic shock triggering by the defibrillator), designed for private and commercial use, it also offers online monitoring via a comfortable web software, including 3 years of online monitoring, safety checks and the replacement of electrodes and battery already included in the price. The online - contract can always be extended by 3 years afterwards.A built-in GSM module provides access to device-specific maintenance and location data. This makes it much easier for the operator to comply with legal obligations. In connection with our inclusive online service contract, you save lives and save your resources. More than 80% of all sudden cardiac deaths happen at home, in leisure time or at work. Unfortunately, it can happen to anyone - more than 5% of the population belongs to the risk group "sudden cardiac death" (in Europe alone, more than 800,000 people die from this every year).If the intuitively operated® Net AED Defibrillator is used within 5 minutes after the occurrence of cardiac arrest, there is a high chance of survival for the person affected.Features:"Open lid, save lives." - simplest operating concept; starts automatically without pressing a button when the lid is openedsupports the first aider with visual and verbal instructions even during the execution of the cardiac pressure massageAccess to the online maintenance platformMonitoring of the devices via e-mail or SMSCPR by clock and voice instructionswithout CPR/HLW quality feedback function; if this improved function is important to you, we recommend our Emergency AED Plus Defibrillatorwith quick analysis systemindividual shock strength calculation for maximum rapid shock delivery, if recommended and approved by the defibrillatorincluding "repeat key" to repeat the last voice commandoptional 3 languages available-with integrated AED - emergency set incl. clothing scissors, razor, gloves, respiratory tissuewith 6 - year long term lithium battery and an already connected, monitored pair of electrodesoptional toddler electrodeswith LED - monitoring logic - automatic reminder for battery/electrode change incl. function test and STK (safety check) maintenance monitoringled save lives - the Emergency® Layman Defibrillator AED safely guides the first responder step by step through the resuscitation process, very light - only 1.9 KG total weightsmall dimensions This device comes with a 2-year warranty as standard. We trust in our technology. Therefore you can optionally extend the warranty to 10 years.Scope biphasic technologyIP55 (dust, splash and splash-proof)Data storage Automatic self-test daily & weekly with LED and audio alarmAnalysis time under 10 secondsMotion and artifact detection Pacemaker detectionEnergy Protocol according to the GuidelineData evaluation via SD cardFuture & updateable via SD cardSTK release possibleLifeDataNet® G2 - The online maintenance platform.LifeDataNet® G2 Online Platform - the powerful management solution in the cloudAccess from PC, tablet or smartphoneDisplay of the AED defibrillators on an interactive mapCheck if all devices are ready for operation or if there is a need for action. This means that you only have to take action if you have to. A time-consuming manual on-site check is only necessary when you really need it.Information via e-mail if the AED self-test detects an abnormality (low battery, expired electrodes, etc.)Data transmission is secure via a mobile phone networkIntervention data is stored as a PDF file for review in the LifeDataNet® G2 platformThe platform is hosted according to the highest IT security standards by providers who are certified for health and medical data according to ISO 27001Fully or semi-automatic. The choice is yours.AED defibrillators as fully automatic version trigger the shock fully automatically after the heart rhythm has been measured. Further intervention is no longer necessary for the user. Once the shock has been delivered, life-supporting measures can be started. Semi-automatic AED defibrillators do not trigger the shock fully automatically, but ask the user to trigger the shock by pressing a shock button after the heart rhythm has been measured.If the AED defibrillator is primarily used by laymen and untrained persons, we recommend the fully automatic defibrillator version.Standards: ERC/ AHA compliant -> the current guidelines are fulfilled Safety standards: IEC60601-1, IEC60601-1-2, IEC60601-2-4; IEC 60529 Protection class EN60529: IP 55 (suitable for indoor and outdoor use) Languages: monolingual or trilingual, various international languages available Classification according to Directive 93/42/EEC: IIb Notified body CE0459Scope of® Net AED DefibrillatorDefibrillator with integrated carrying handleLong-term - battery 3 years runtimeElectrodes for adults and children >8 yrs. >25kg, 30 months durationEmergency set integrated in the device for optimum visibilityEmergency instructionsOperating instructionsService Promise[Including] Medical equipment must always work. That's why our online service contract is already included for the next 3 years.Including GSM feesAccess to web software for monitoring the devicesAutomatic sending of the electrodes after approx. 2.5 - 3 yearsSTK after 2nd year including all measurements and documentationFree return shipment to the operator and reminder of maintenance workPayable every 3 years in advance - Minimum term always 3 yearsIf the contract is renewed after 3 years for a further 3 years including STK maintenance after 4th year and battery change after 3rd year- Important legal notice -AED's, Automated External Defibrillators are subject to referral within Germany according to MPBetreibV §10! The user (not the supplier) must ensure that the defibrillator is instructed in the use of the defibrillator before it is put into operation in accordance with MPBetreibV (Medizin-Produkte-Betreiberverordnung). A previous instruction on an identical model of the manufacturer is sufficient and accordingly no further instruction is necessary.We offer on-site instruction by our qualified instructors, who use a training device and a CPR training dummy to provide you with comprehensive and high-quality instruction on the device at your premises, including preparation of the necessary documentation.

€2,130.10*® - Ihr professioneller Defibrillator Partner am Bau


Wieviele Defibrillatoren brauche ich? Doch eher ein Vollautomat? Brauche ich einen Wandschrank? Macht eine Online-Überwachung nicht doch eher Sinn?

Es gilt einige Sachen zu beachten, wenn man sich einen Defibrillator anschafft. Denn am Ende soll das Gerät im Fall der Fälle Leben retten.

Wir helfen Ihnen dabei, die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen. 

Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren.® Info Hotline 07243 94 90 565


Sie erhalten bei uns das volle Servicepaket. Wir beraten Sie, unterstützen Sie im Angebotsprozess, sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Rechnungsstellung reibungsfrei funktioniert und bilden ihre Ansprechpartner vor Ort gesetzliche konform aus.

Wir dokumentieren natürlich nach gesetzlichen Vorgaben und helfen Ihnen dabei, nichts zu vergessen.

Nach einem Geräteeinsatz bekommen Sie bei uns die passenden Ersatzartikel wie bspw. Elektroden.


Wir wissen wovon wir sprechen. Unser Team besitzt jahrelange Erfahrung im Markt für AED Defibrillatoren und gibt diese Erfahrung gerne an Sie weiter. 

Das ermöglicht es uns, individuelle Situation sehr gut einschätzen zu können und Ihnen passende und sinnvolle Angebote zu unterbreiten. 

Das spart Zeit, Kosten und sorgt dafür, dass Sie sich auf ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren können.